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Horse Powered Reading and Math Enrichment Programs


To set up a typical session, parents, and facilitators meet to review their current academic strengths in informal on-site assessments. Facilitators then create highly motivating learning experiences designed to address a specific skill. Areas of interest are explored to help develop a theme for the sessions.

As students begin the
sessions, they choose their 4-legged Learning Partner. Using props to identify and challenge their obstacles to learning, their equine learning partners support them, and students can break through the social and emotional issues that block their progress. The Learning Partner helps students develop new learning patterns.


This program is facilitated by Ms. Samatha and Ms. Janet.

Miss Samatha is a certified K-12 teacher who has a passion for teaching. She focuses on communication, social-emotional learning, and instruction in life skills by providing students with experiences that help foster independence.

Ms Janet is an Eagala-Certified Equine Specialist and certified in Horse Powered Reading and Math. As a lifelong horse person, Janet also owns and operates Horse Human Experience, which provides Equine Homeschool Learning and Lifeskills programs.

Horse Powered Reading and Math Enrichment are offered as individual or small group experiences for K-12 students and adult learners. Sessions are 60  minutes and are offered in 4 or 8-week periods.


*This is an unmounted program. No prior horse experience is necessary.



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